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Author: mywpadmin

Monitor Linux utilization with sysstat

Sysstat is a very interesting option to enable system monitoring without sacrificing performance and disk storage. Some distributions have it installed but disabled by default, other distributions you have to install it manually. With the steps provided in this article you can get sysstat up and running so you can have history data to analyze if you run into any performance issues. Installing Sysstat Debian/Ubuntu sudo apt-get install sysstat Redhat/CentOS/Oraclesudo yum install sysstat Enabling stat collection […]

Linux Recovery: Fixing non-boot issues related to Kernel problems using chroot

In a previous article, it was described how to manually fix kernel related issues that could cause a Linux VM to not boot properly. There is also an option where you can use steps to use CHROOT and then use tools to automatically fix these same issues without the need to manually edit files. Assuming you have your system ready after going to the steps described in this article, meaning you just went through the […]

Azure Linux Extensions: Custom Script for Linux

You have probably seen some extensions that are available on Azure, some of them listed/documented here: Azure Linux Extensions In this article, we will cover a few examples that you can use with the “Custom Script for Linux” extension. This extension basically allows you to run a script inside a Linux VM, so as long as the Linux Agent (WAAGENT) is working correctly you should be able to use this extension without problems. You can […]

How to: Resize Linux osDisk partition on Azure

Most Linux images on Azure will by default have 30GB size for the osDisk and that is something that you might want to resize moving forward. NOTE: We recommend to store applications and data on a separate data disk not only because of space but also for performance reasons. Resizing the partition is really simple on Azure and we can be done by the following procedure: a) Stopping and deallocating the VM on the portal […]

How to: Add SWAP to Linux VM’s on Azure

Every virtual machine (VM) on Azure has what we call a temporary (ephemeral) disk which is recommended to be used ONLY as temporary storage and that includes SWAP files or data that does not need to be available upon a reboot or saved , the data stored in this drive will be lost. To create a swap file in the directory that’s defined by the ResourceDisk.MountPoint parameter, you can update the /etc/waagent.conf file by setting […]

How to: Deploy a basic wordpress on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on Azure

How to deploy a simple WordPress instance using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Nginx, MariaDB and Memcache in Azure. This article is destined to help understand a basic WordPress deployment on Azure using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Nginx with PHP-fpm (for PHP support), MariaDB and Memcache In this example, we are deploying a Standard_F2S VM with premium disk, 2 CPU’s, 4GB of memory and also a local 7GB SSD (Ephemeral disk) which we will use for swap configuration […]

AZ CLI: How to delete and re-deploy a VM from VHD (unmanaged disk)

You should be able to use the built-in CLI on the Azure portal, for more details on how to use it, please check: Azure Cloud Shell (quickstart) If not, you can always install it locally on your workstation or also using docker, for details, please follow the steps described here: Install the Azure CLI For the steps to work properly, please, make sure you are logged into the Azure CLI: <tt>az login</tt> NOTE: You will […]